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Chapter 2492 The Big Dick Idea (Incest/Taboo Sex):>>Ep11

  • When her eyes reached his cock, her breath caught in her lungs. He bobbed in the air a couple of inches from his beautiful abs. She wanted to put him in her mouth, and she hoped her dad wouldn't react to their shenanigans before dinner tomorrow. Or the weekend. At that moment, looking at her brother's spectacular cock, in her uneducated opinion, he could wait until next week, or after graduation -- college graduation.
  • He felt hot, both his cock and his belly, against her palm and the back of her hand. She felt his heat radiate into her fingers as they wrapped around him and the tip of her fingers barely grazed the tip of her thumb. She wondered briefly how it would ever fit inside her.
  • Her gaze fixed on her hand around him. Apparently she had moved his foreskin down and off his head. She had heard girls talk about boyfriends with numbers like eight, nine, and ten. She could tell the cock in her hand didn't reach those lengths, but his six or seven inches of cock would be plenty to fill her mouth and surely more than enough to fill her pussy, if it came to that.
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